PHILATELY, SHKSH , Shoqata e Koleksionisteve te Shqiperise

"The Collector" No. 43
the newest article of the newspaper is published

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"The Collector" No. 43
the newest article of the newspaper is published

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PHILATELY, SHKSH , Shoqata e Koleksionisteve te Shqiperise

On May 5th 1913, the first Albanian national stamp was issued and released. With the first issue of the Albanian postal stamp, a postal service with an Albanian identity was also consolidated, which has always been part of our national identity

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On May 5th 1913, the first Albanian national stamp was issued and released. With the first issue of the Albanian postal stamp, a postal service with an Albanian identity was also consolidated, which has always been part of our national identity

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NUMISMATICS, SHKSH, Shoqata e koleksionisteve te Shqiperise

Currency printing in our country originated in the VII-VI century BC, in Dyrrah and Apolloni. The coins minted during this period mark the starting point of the history of the collection of coins for numismatic purposes.

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Currency printing in our country originated in the VII-VI century BC, in Dyrrah and Apolloni. The coins minted during this period mark the starting point of the history of the collection of coins for numismatic purposes.

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ART WORKS, SHKSH, Shoqata e Koleksionisteve te Shqiperise

Large movements of liberation that led to the country's independence (1912), provided the conditions for a new artistic orientation, which would reflect life in a more realistic way. Secular paintings with patriotic and ethnographic motives

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Large movements of liberation that led to the country's independence (1912), provided the conditions for a new artistic orientation, which would reflect life in a more realistic way. Secular paintings with patriotic and ethnographic motives

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The Collector

News & Activities

Latest news and activities about the field of collecting various artifacts
Ftesë për pjesëmarrje në Ekspozitën PLOVDIV PHILA 2019, SHKSH, Shoqata e Koleksionisteve te Shqiperise

Ftesë për pjesëmarrje në Ekspozitën …

Pershendetje, Nga Komisioneri i Pergjithshem Z.Boncho Bonev ka ardhur ftes... Read more

Balkanfila 2016, SHKSH, Shoqata e Koleksionisteve te Shqiperise

Balkanfila 2016

The presidency of the Association of Albanian Collectors announces the Inte... Read more